Hi! I’m David Hepworth.
I’m a front-end web developer who focuses on user interface design to improve user experiences.
My professional work spans multiple companies in disparate industries, but I’ve managed to remain focused on the creative fields related to web design and development and content coordination across each position. I enjoy being challenged to learn new technology or methods to complete a task. I hope that my portfolio entries listed below prove that I am capable in many fields that support content creation on the internet.

Personal Website design and development
I was tasked with designing and developing a simple personal website for Mardel’s founder, Mart Green.
Mart’s site is live at martgreen.net.

IDOP Facebook post
I convinced executives to allow me to attempt to advertise the IDOP campaign on social media in a more aggressive fashion, which included a countdown and other promotional image and video materials. This image uses stock photos of dust that were edited together to build a weeks/days countdown on Facebook.

Hobby Lobby site redesign
I worked with Valtech on the Figma design and on the front-end development team at Hobby Lobby that rebuilt the corporate ecommerce site in Next.js and GraphQL.
Hobby Lobby’s site is live at hobbylobby.com.

IDOP: Victoria Facebook post
VOM contracted with a video producer to visit a village in Africa and record the reactions of victims of religious violence.
RW100: A Church in Chains video
I prepared an animated logo for a commemorative website for the founder of the company. The logo was used on the original version of the site and across its media.

Outdoor photography
I was tasked with photographing the headquarters building construction project.

Christmas Care landing page
An advertisement in the company newsletter guided readers to a digital landing page for donations to a Christmas program, where users were presented with a landing page that I designed.

Face burrito
I wrapped the face of my son in a blanket. His eyes were stunning in the light.

Country flags
I shot a variety of photos of folded cloth over which I then superimposed distorted images of flags for use across social media posts and the “Pray Today” mobile application.

“Extreme Devotion” Facebook post
The book “Extreme Devotion” featured railroad spikes on the cover (probably in an attempt to present something similar to ancient nails used for crucifixion) so I found stock images of spikes and edited them to advertise the book on Facebook.

Bible materials email campaign
This email was sent to potential donors to encourage them to support paying for religious materials to be sent to children.

IDOP: Victoria Facebook post
I was given access to the raw footage from the upcoming IDOP video, so I scrubbed through all the archives until I found clear shots from which I could generate stills for promotional images to share on Facebook.

College outreach program photography
VOM visited a college to campaign for funds and volunteerism, including placing their advertising materials in the foyer of the college hall.

Inside Voice
I took over the design and editing of the company’s internal magazine, which I titled “Inside Voice” as a play on words for its internal-use-only status.

Farm in Washington
I saw this farm during a drive in Washington and fell in love with the framing.
IDOP: Victoria trailer
I edited a teaser trailer for the short film presented by the company for its annual event.

Podcast hosting and production
I produced and hosted the Persecution Podcast, VOM’s official audio program. I released the podcast with artwork for each episode on its website and major podcast platforms.
A few samples of the episodes are archived on my SoundCloud page, as the show has since been canceled and replaced with a new host and content strategy.

Concert photography
College students performed a concert at a VOM donation drive.

Author campaign on Facebook
This image was posted to the social media profile of an author who was using a business account to promote her book. The photo was taken by me years prior.

Adopt a Front-line Worker campaign
This campaign page was displayed to users who visited a link in an email sent by the company.

The Risks of Advancing the Kingdom in Iran newsletter digital bonus
I designed a small publication used as bonus content for the company’s newsletter using stock photos I purchased.

Webpage design
The company’s official podcast underwent a format change and a new design and website was required. I designed the logo and the layout, as well as assisting in the content updates post-launch.

Persecution Blog Facebook post
As the company did not wish for its primary site to be seen as a news source, it contracted a writer to maintain a separate blog that was then regularly shared across official social media accounts. This post was shared on Facebook to promote a blog story. The images are stock photos edited together to present a dynamic promotional image.

Collections: artifact viewer
The Collections tool’s design was updated in Adobe XD to handle the needs of a new exhibit piece that required both left-to-right and right-to-left text rendering.
While the design of the site and the Collections tool have undergone changes, the fundamental system is still live at museumofthebible.org.

Frequently Asked Questions webpage
I designed the FAQ pages in Figma and coded it in Next.js. A GraphQL query return was then filtered via the URL to display a single topic or question per page when users visit any specific FAQ entry.
The FAQ page is live at hobbylobby.com.

Bible sponsorship campaign
This campaign page was displayed to users who visited a link in an email sent by the company.

Newsletter cover
I designed a illustration for the cover of the VOM newsletter. Most of the covers designed up to this point were of photos with only minimal digital correction applied to them, so this departure from the standard process was seen as a risky choice.

“Extreme Devotion” Facebook post
The book “Extreme Devotion” was regularly mined for content on the internet, and often its material was shared on Facebook. The background image was a composite of photos taken of me from a local bonfire.

Son in grass
My first-born son looked too good in a sweater vest to allow the day to conclude without a photo.

Studio photography
An executive within the company requested a photo for work-related content.

Outdoor photography
VOM entertained guests in the backyard of a local residence.

Newsletter content page
A page of content was required each month to act as a digital hub to support the content produced by the company in its printed newsletter. I was tasked to gather the extra digital content and present it in a pleasing fashion to improve the digital footprint of the company.

IDOP: Victoria Facebook post
A still from raw video footage was heavily edited to use as a promotional image for the year’s upcoming IDOP campaign video.

Museum installation interface
I built a guide for the mapping tables located in the lobby foyer. The UI used 3D images that had been rendered in advance, as no 3D models was available at time of building the interface.

Outdoor photography
A wall of commemorative plaques bearing the names of people who were claimed to have died for their beliefs.

Museum technology page
A technology page was built in Adobe XD to commemorate the museum’s advancements in technology-first exhibits.
An archived version of the page is available on the Wayback Machine.

Internal communications advertisement
This was an image that was used in an internal communications platform to advertise an upcoming event.

Macro photography
This image was used to commemorate the September 11 airplane attacks in New York. The Twin Towers are silhouetted in the reflection in my eye.
#WhyWePray contest page
I designed and developed the page and the video and image assets for a contest that called on aspiring creatives to design a short video containing the content shared on the page.

Newsletter cover
I photographed two VOM staff members re-enacting an abduction story for the cover from the VOM newsletter. The photo was taken in the executive parking lot behind the office building, requiring extensive editing to remove traces of its location from the final version.

Author campaign on Facebook
This image was posted to the social media profile of an author who was using a business account to promote her book. The photo was taken by me years prior.

iOS and Android app design
I designed the interface for the Pray Today app and tested the development build for bugs before its deployment on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Newsletter content page
A page of content was required each month to act as a digital hub to support the content produced by the company in its printed newsletter. I was tasked to gather the extra digital content and present it in a pleasing fashion to improve the digital footprint of the company.

Independence Day
At the conclusion of a July 4 festival in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, a group of jets flew over the main streets of the city, silhouetted against storm clouds and a rainbow, which appeared just before the jets arrived.

College outreach program photography
VOM visited a college to campaign for funds and volunteerism, which included erecting a temporary monument to their cause in the foyer.

VOM Radio podcast logo
I was given specific elements to use but the freedom to lay them out in whatever way I deemed the most pleasing.

Museum installation interface
I made a small installation interface to display a document related to the Mayflower ownership.

Prisoner Alert Facebook post
A stock image of a dove was used to advertise a campaign website maintained by VOM.

Outdoor photography
A decommissioned airplane was installed behind VOM office headquarters as a showpiece for work the company supports in other countries.

Logo design
The “I Am N” campaign was in need of a new logo, so I designed this stylized character that would reproduce better at various sizes and media with limited color palettes.

Commemorative website
The Centennial Celebration website, eventually renamed to the title of the author’s first book, was a commemorative website to celebrate the founder of the VOM organization. The website was built on WordPress and featured graphic, interactive, and video elements that I generated for the site.

Pregnant wife
My wife permitted me to set up a glamor shot of her at a park during her latter months of pregnancy.
This photo was eventually submitted to a local photography contest and won first place.

Facebook post
A digitally edited photo of the husband and wife founders of VOM, paired with a quote from one of the husband’s books.

Facebook post
This image was used to advertise one of the books written by the founder of the organization. It uses one of my photographs, heavily edited for effect.

Museum installation interface
I made a small installation interface to highlight the various hotspots around the tapestries in the Tapestry of Light display.

Desktop background design
I combined stock images and stylized the company logo to produce a dramatic desktop background.

Outdoor photography
A photo of a cross outside of the VOM headquarters building.

Podcast logo design
A logo and banner image was designed for a corporate internal-only podcast for employee news.

Outdoor photography
A panoramic photo stitched together from shots taken on the balcony of the VOM headquarters building.

Website design
I designed the campaign landing site for the “I Am N” campaign. The site was intended as the final stop in a print and digital campaign managed by other parts of the organization.

Author logo
This letter seal was used as branding on materials for author Lisa Anne Nichols. The border was of my own design, a vector based on my drawing. It was animated for use on video screens at book signing events.

Asia Bibi poster design
To support a campaign to free an imprisoned woman, I only had a low-quality photo taken in the prison as an art asset, so I used a halftone pattern to expand the size of the photo in a stylized way.

Engagement photo at sunset
I shot this engagement photo at sunset while lens-whacking a Nikon pancake lens on a Canon body.

Facebook post
I digitally restored and edited a photo of the founder of the company and paired it with a quote from one of his recorded speeches.

Logo design
I made a logo for the Richard Wurmbrand Centennial Celebration website.

Billboard design
A local church hired me to design an advertisement for a sermon series planned for the near future. The art was displayed on a billboard near downtown Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Website design and development
I designed, deployed, and maintained the WordPress-based Kids of Courage website.

Facebook post
I edited an archival photo to match a quote that I was given to share on the company Facebook profile.

Concert photography
A photo of a concert-goer listening to music at a VOM event.

Facebook post
I designed an advertisement to raise awareness for the #WhyWePray contest.

Classic car show
A closeup of a car headlight from one of the classic autos participating in a local classic car show.

Website design support
I worked on the CSS implementation of a Razorfish design of the corporate website.

Dried rose
I photographed this dead dried rose against a flash photo umbrella on the porch of my apartment.

Facebook post
I edited a personal photo taken in Washington to match a quote that I was given to share on the company Facebook profile.

Website design
I designed a webpage for the annual prayer campaign page. The page began development but personnel issues ended up canceling its release.

Tapestry of Light temporary exhibit website
A temporary exhibit at Museum of the Bible was showcased through an Adobe XD design. The development team produced the page, it was approved, but development never completed in time for release.
IDOP promotional video
I designed a teaser video for an annual movie event that used footage from the years of previous videos shared by the company.

A heavily-edited photograph of the rear entrances of a strip of buildings in a small downtown area.

Facebook post
An advertisement for a free DVD was needed for a Facebook post, so I prepared a digital facsimile of the DVD.