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Archives — Page 2

June 10th, 2022

Feeling stuck

I need to tell you of a grave error that I made several years ago that has haunted me ever since: gaining knowledge will only lead you to sorrow. You will never be happier than you are now by learning about the things that intrigue you. Don’t fall into the same trap as me and ruin your life like I’ve ruined mine. By investigating you expose your mind to nuance, new possibilities, difficult realities, and discomfort you didn’t believe imaginable, and it will permanently change you for the worse.

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February 3rd, 2022

I used to be anxious about being thought of as ignorant

In the past few years I think I have started to learn that empathy, comprehension, growth, understanding, joy, and contentment come not from being more certain about what one knows but from accepting how little can be known by any one person in a lifetime. I may be more at peace now, but the process to get to this point was potentially the most painful and disruptive I’ve yet to experience.

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December 22nd, 2021

Now on Jekyll

This little side project is now built with Jekyll, a site deployment tool that was surprisingly easy to set up. Its simple controls allow me to quickly build the site into HTML files very similar to ones that I was writing before, but without all the hard work of maintaining code throughout each page. Now I can write posts in a simpler fashion and start to add new features with greater ease than if I continued coding everything by hand.

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November 26th, 2021

We aren’t asking the right questions

The penultimate episode of The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill is a frustrating investigatory experience. The show presents to the listener the evidence of an abusive pastor in a permissive church system, building the case that this was an ongoing problem within the organization that eventually collapsed under the weight of the trauma dealt within. What I believe the episode fails to do and has continued to do throughout the series is to follow that evidence to its obvious conclusion, despite the pretense of seeking answers for how it all happened.

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October 26th, 2021

An identity crisis

I grew up in an Evangelical Christian culture. I was taught that the primary life purpose of a Christian was to propagate the message of Christianity through evangelism, sharing the story of Jesus to people who did not know or believe what was written in the Bible. Through this effort, souls would be saved from eternal damnation and more people would be prepared for the return of the savior of humanity. This mission was time-sensitive, because the return of Jesus was possible at any moment, and that event could potentially seal the fate of all living on Earth.

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